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Visitors 42
177 photos

Invite in the SandDSC_5526DSC_5531DSC_5536The CakeBrideThe GroomBride and Bridesmaid_1Bride and Bridesmaid_2Bride and Bridesmaid_3Alex_1AlexBride and BridesmaidBride and dadBride and Parents_1Bride and ParentsDSC_0014DSC_0017FriendsAnthony, Rich, Joe

Guestbook for Lennon/Parisi Wedding
Rich Parisi(non-registered)
Great work buddy!! Thanks for your utmost professionalism and for being part of our special day!! Great to see you again and let me know if you need me to lay down a bass track for your project. Oh and btw it's spelled Parisi!! LOL
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