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Visitors 33
118 photos

Alan Penn_BrotherHood__DSC3289Alan Penn_BrotherHood__DSC3291Alan Penn_BrotherHood__DSC3295Alan Penn_BrotherHood__DSC3298Albert Junior_BrotherHood__DSC3197Albert Junior_BrotherHood__DSC3203Albert Junior_BrotherHood__DSC3212Bob Moffitt_BrotherHood__DSC4767Bob Moffitt_BrotherHood__DSC4768Bob Moffitt_BrotherHood__DSC4769Bob Moffitt_BrotherHood__DSC4772Bob Moffitt_BrotherHood__DSC4776Bobbi Martin_BrotherHood__DSC1912Bobby Martin_BrotherHood__DSC1909Douglas MacArthur_BrotherHood__DSC1619Douglas MacArthur_BrotherHood__DSC1621Douglas MacArthur_BrotherHood__DSC1647Douglas MacArthur_BrotherHood__DSC1654Douglas MacArthur_Vietnam_BrotherHood__DSC1620Fred Ball_BrotherHood__DSC325

Guestbook for Faces of Veterans Brotherhood Participants
Joshua Parry(non-registered)
I once had an Army Captain challenged a room of soldiers to "always thank every member you come across: in or out of uniform. Some have never been thanked or welcomed home."

To these Men, and any other Man or Woman that is still serving or Veteran, Thank you and welcome home!

Forever your Army Brother-in-Arms!

Nicely done David. You did justice to these fine men.
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