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BW_200_Germany Schmitten_The Church in Schmitten Germany_BWBW_201_Germany Schmitten_The Town of Schmitten Germany_1_BWBW_202_Germany Schmitten_The Archway DividerBW_203_Germany Johannisberg_The House with the Open Window_BWBW_203_Germany Schmitten_The Town of Schmitten Germany_2_BWBW_204_Germany Schmitten_The Town of Schmitten Germany_BWBW_205_Germany Saalburg_Looking to the Castle Well_BWBW_206_Germany Saalburg_The Fence at the Castle Wall_BWBW_207_Germany Saalburg_The Moss on the Castle Wall_BWBW_208_Germany Saalburg_The Old Castle Door_BWBW_209_Germany Frankfurt_Bells Over the Doorway_BWBW_210_Germany Frankfurt_No Parking_BWBW_210_Germany Saalburg_Safe Passage OutBW_211_Germany Frankfurt_Reflection of the New in the Old_BWBW_211_Germany Saalburg_The Door HandleBW_212_Germany Frankfurt_The Church of Frankfurt_1_BWBW_214_Germany Frankfurt_The Cobblestoner Street_BWBW_215_Germany Frankfurt_The Courtyard Trees_BWBW_215_Germany Saalburg_The X marks the SpotBW_216_Germany Frankfurt_The Doorway Up_BW